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Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) issued the following statement:

"I condemn the surge of antisemitism on university and college campuses in the strongest possible terms. Like most people, I was appalled when the presidents of three elite universities were unable to state unequivocally that calling for genocide against the Jewish people would violate their campus codes of conduct. That is why, last week, I joined my colleagues in demanding that these schools take concrete steps to protect their Jewish and Israeli students.

Just as these college presidents fell short in protecting the Jewish community, so too does the current Republican Congress. It is not enough simply to condemn antisemitism, as we have in toothless resolution after toothless resolution—and as the House has yet again today. We need action, not words. Today’s resolution fails to implement the White House’s National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. It fails to fund the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, the office that protects Jewish students from discrimination on campus. It fails to renew the high-risk nonprofit security grant program run through the Department of Homeland Security, which protects thousands of synagogues and Hebrew schools across the nation. The Stefanik Resolution exploits Jewish lives to score political points, but it does nothing whatsoever to combat antisemitism.

Today, I will vote against this resolution, in part, because it represents a gross overreach. Congress should not meddle in the hiring and firing of college presidents. But mostly, I'm voting against this resolution because the cynicism of it makes me sick. MAGA Republicans have spent years undermining American’s colleges and universities—attacking these schools for their efforts at diversity and inclusion, for their support of the LGBTQ+ community, and for teaching the history of the United States in a way that does not fit their preferred narrative. Today’s resolution exploits real fear about antisemitism in America to advance that extreme agenda. And it is not lost on me that the chief Republican sponsor of this resolution remains a stalwart supporter of Donald Trump, who continues to associate himself with white nationalists, and has herself trafficked in the so-called “great replacement” theory, which is racist and antisemitic to its core. If these Republicans really cared about antisemitism, they would help us do something about it. Instead, they hide behind the cheapest of words."

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