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Rep. Nadler Statement on Eric Garner

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-10) released the following statement on the Eric Garner case:

“The grand jury’s failure to indict the officer in the Eric Garner case is shocking and almost unfathomable.  Here you have a case of a video tape of an officer using a chokehold -- a hold that is known to be able to cause death, a hold that is banned under the NYPD's own policy – which caused the death of Eric Garner.  It is hard to understand how there cannot be probable cause that a crime was committed – especially when there is a videotape.  The fact that there won’t even be a trial is shocking.

“I want to extend my sympathies to the family and to the community.

“I urge the Justice Department, which is already investigating the case, to proceed as quickly as possible with a view toward indictment for possible civil rights violations.”


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