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Press Releases

Congressman Jerry Nadler and Congressman Dan Goldman Stand with 9/11 Families Requesting Release of September 11th Terrorist Attack Documents

Coalition of Families of 9/11 Survivors and Victims File Freedom of Information Law Request to Make Public Critical Information on Toxic Exposure and New York Preparedness from Giuliani Administration 

Latest Filing Follows Goldman, Nadler Request to Adams Administration in February to Open Files on Aftermath of 9/11 Attacks 

Read the Freedom of Information Law Request Here 

Washington, DC – Congressman Jerry Nadler (NY-12) and Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) are urging New York Mayor Eric Adams to comply with a Freedom of Information Law Request filed by Families of 9/11 Responders and Survivors to obtain documents crucial to understanding the health impacts of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Release of the documents would help provide injured and ill 9/11 responders, survivors, and their families a better understanding of the health risks associated with toxins released after the attacks that poisoned tens of thousands.  

In February, Representatives Nadler and Goldman urged the Adam’s Administration to release documentation revealing the extent of then-Mayor Rudy Guiliani’s Administration’s knowledge of the toxic release and potential health impacts. The members’ request was denied a month later.  

“Over 6 months have passed since we called on the Adams administration to release what the Giuliani administration knew about the toxins at Ground Zero while they were claiming it was safe for New Yorkers to return,” Congressmembers Jerry Nadler and Dan Goldman said. “We remain unsatisfied with the City’s failure to make these documents available, which are essential to advancing medical research for those suffering with 9/11 related illnesses. Our 9/11 families can’t wait any longer. As we approach yet another year since that horrific day, we must deliver the truth for our survivors who need answers.” 


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