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Rep. Nadler Selected as Ranking Democrat on the Courts, Intellectual Property, and Internet Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-10), who has served on the House Judiciary Committee for the past 21 years, was selected as the Ranking Democrat on the Courts, Intellectual Property, and Internet Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee, a choice that is expected to be ratified by the full committee next time it meets. This subcommittee has jurisdiction over copyright, patent, and trademark laws, as well as regulation of information technology, Administration of U.S. Courts, Federal Rules of Evidence, Civil and Appellate Procedure, and judicial ethics.

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve as the Ranking Democrat on this important subcommittee. The subcommittee has begun the first comprehensive review of our nation’s copyright laws since 1976. These laws are at the core of how we consume media, from watching TV and listening to music to enjoying a movie or sharing photos,” said Nadler. “We will seek to strike the right balance between how artists, authors, musicians, photographers and other content creators are compensated for their work with the desire of technology companies to provide new and innovative ways for consumers to access this content like never before.”

“I look forward to continuing to serve on the Constitution and Civil Justice Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee with the newly selected Ranking Democrat, Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-9).  I am proud to have served on the panel as the Ranking Democrat/Chairman since 2001 as we have faced some of our nation’s most pressing questions, ranging from NSA surveillance and the Patriot Act to LGBT rights, the Voting Rights Act, and a woman’s right to choose,” said Nadler. “I remain committed to protecting the Constitution and the civil rights and civil liberties of all Americans.”

Congressman Nadler filled the slot formerly held by Congressman Mel Watt, who left Congress to serve as the head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency.


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