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Nadler and 53 House Members Sponsor Bipartisan Resolution Committing Support and Aid to Victims of Hurricane Sandy

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), representative of Brooklyn and Manhattan communities hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, introduced a bipartisan House Resolution, with 53 original cosponsors, to express unwavering support for victims of Hurricane Sandy and to commit to helping those affected by the storm rebuild and recover.  Hurricane Sandy wreaked havoc on 24 states from Florida to Maine and as far west as Wisconsin.  After coming ashore in New Jersey, the storm devastated the eastern seaboard of the United States, killed more than 100 people, caused billions of dollars in damage, left millions without power, and caused massive coastal flooding.  The regional transportation network of the tri-state area was severely damaged and now requires major repairs.  Many thousands are still displaced and are relying on immediate humanitarian and long-term assistance to rebuild, recover and move on.  Congress must come together over the coming weeks to ensure that the necessary resources are available to those hit hardest by Hurricane Sandy.

“This no-nonsense bipartisan resolution sends an important message to millions of Americans whose lives have been profoundly altered by Hurricane Sandy: Congress is committed to cutting through bureaucracy to provide immediate assistance, to help you rebuild your homes and businesses, to repair the infrastructure that was damaged, and to reemerge in the not-so-distant future a nation that is stronger and better prepared,” said Nadler.  “Every day in my own district in New York, I witness utter devastation throughout the streets and neighborhoods, and I pass businesses that are shuttered or destroyed.  We must now do everything in our power as elected officials to meet the needs of our communities.”

Below is the complete text of the Resolution:


Expressing condolences to the victims of Hurricane Sandy, commending the resiliency of the people of New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Delaware, and committing to stand by them in the relief and recovery effort.

Whereas in October 2012, Hurricane Sandy, after devastating countries across the Caribbean, reached the shores of the United States and wreaked havoc on 24 States from Florida to Maine and west to Michigan and Wisconsin;

Whereas on October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy reached landfall over Atlantic City, New Jersey, and devastated the eastern seaboard of the United States;

Whereas a disaster declaration was declared for New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Delaware;

Whereas Hurricane Sandy was responsible for killing more than 100 people;

Whereas Hurricane Sandy caused billions of dollars in damage, left millions without power, and caused massive coastal flooding;

Whereas much of the City of New York was flooded and without power for extended periods of time following the storm;

Whereas the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut regional transportation network was severely damaged and the New York subway system was forced to shut down for several days;

Whereas the United States Army Corps of Engineers, acting on a mission assignment from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has removed more than 270,000,000 gallons of saltwater from tunnels, underpasses, and other areas throughout New York City, enough to fill all of Central Park two feet deep;

Whereas Hurricane Sandy’s devastation was felt on a global scale, as trading was suspended on the New York Stock Exchange for two straight days making it the first weather closure of the exchange since 1985;

Whereas during the storm, more than 190 firefighters were sent to fight a massive fire in Breezy Point, New York, which destroyed 111 homes and damaged 20 others;

Whereas Hurricane Sandy caused a disruption in the distribution of gasoline, widespread power outages, and extensive property destruction on Long Island, New York;

Whereas much of the New Jersey shore sustained massive damage to roads, bridges, individual homes, and the loss of historic piers and entertainment venues;

Whereas more than 600,000 Connecticut residents were without power following the storm, and individual homes and businesses along the shore and across the State suffered significant damage;

Whereas Hurricane Sandy caused severe damage to communities along the Eastern Shore of Virginia and Maryland;

Whereas the United States Office of Personnel Management ordered the Federal offices in Washington, DC, closed to the public for two days;

Whereas numerous localities were forced to close schools due to power outages and dangerous road conditions caused by the storm;

Whereas flights were cancelled up and down the eastern seaboard of the United States;

Whereas the 180 foot sailing ship, Bounty, sank during the storm and 14 members of the crew were rescued by the Coast Guard, while the captain and 1 other member of the crew did not survive;

Whereas Coast Guard search and rescue teams, police, firefighters, the National Guard, and many ordinary citizens have risked their lives to save others;

Whereas doctors, nurses, and medical personnel worked expeditiously to provide care and ensure that patients that were forced to evacuate were moved to safety under extreme circumstances;

Whereas hospitals, medical centers, and triage units provided needed care;

Whereas the American Red Cross and other volunteer organizations and charities are supplying hurricane victims with food, water, and shelter;

Whereas the Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA, the National Oceanic Atmospheric Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services, and other Federal, State, and local government agencies worked together to prepare for and respond quickly to Hurricane Sandy;

Whereas immediate humanitarian aid and long-term rebuilding assistance is still needed in many of the devastated regions; and

Whereas thousands of volunteers and government employees from across the United States have committed time and resources to help with recovery efforts: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—

(1)    expresses condolences to the victims of Hurricane Sandy;
(2)     commends the resiliency and courage of the people of New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Delaware; and
(3)    commits to provide the necessary resources and to stand by the people of New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Delaware in the relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts.

The Resolution was cosponsored by the following members:

Rep. Jerrold Nadler
Rep. Carolyn Maloney
Rep. Frank Pallone
Rep. Jim Himes
Rep. Peter King
Rep. Nita Lowey
Rep. Bob Turner
Rep. Michael Grimm
Rep. Gary Ackerman
Rep. Rob Andrews
Rep. Timothy H. Bishop
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle
Rep. André Carson
Rep. David Cicilline
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke
Rep. Joe Courtney
Rep. Joseph Crowley
Rep. Rosa DeLauro
Rep. Eliot Engel
Rep. Michael G. Fitzpatrick
Rep. Rodney P. Frelinghuysen
Rep. Scott Garrett
Rep. Chris Gibson
Rep. Al Green
Rep. Nan Hayworth
Rep. Brian Higgins
Rep. Maurice Hinchey
Rep. Rush Holt
Rep. Steve Israel
Rep. William R. Keating
Rep. Leonard Lance
Rep. James R. Langevin
Rep. John Larson
Rep. Frank A. LoBiondo  
Rep. Tom Marino
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy
Rep. Betty McCollum
Rep. Jim McGovern
Rep. Jim Moran
Rep. William L. Owens
Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr.
Rep. Charles Rangel
Rep. Tom Reed
Rep. Laura Richardson
Rep. Cedric Richmond
Rep. Scott Rigell
Rep. Jon Runyan
Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz
Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott
Rep. José E. Serrano
Rep. Albio Sires
Rep. Louise M. Slaughter
Rep. Paul Tonko
Rep. Tim Walz


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