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Nadler Lauds White House Proposal for $60 Billion in Post-Sandy Aide for Northeast

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), representative of Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan communities hit hard by Hurricane Sandy, issued the following statement in response to the Obama administration’s proposal for $60 billion towards Sandy recovery in New York, New Jersey, and neighboring states:

“$60 billion will provide critical relief and begin the rebuilding process in New York and New Jersey, where Hurricane Sandy has had an immeasurable impact.  The White House has been very responsive to assessments of damage and need from Governors Cuomo and Christie and has clearly prioritized Sandy recovery in its budgeting.  Furthermore, the use of Community Development Block Grants will give local jurisdictions and communities the flexibility and wherewithal to nimbly assist residents, homeowners, and businesses rebuild and move forward.  Congress must now put aside any political brinkmanship and quickly provide the relief that New Yorkers and others desperately need.  I thank Governor Cuomo and President Obama for their crucial advocacy for their constituents at this difficult moment in American history.”


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