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E-Newsletter: Coming Together Following Terrorism of Chelsea Bombing

Coming Together Following Terrorism of Chelsea Bombing

The bomb that ripped apart the Chelsea neighborhood last Saturday night reminded every New Yorker of our ability to come together in response to tragedy. The scars of this attack will remain for a long time, as we witnessed, once again, the impact of terrorism in our City. Whenever New Yorkers are attacked, we stand united behind the men, women and families who have suffered, as well as our heroic first responders for their valiant efforts.

On Thursday, I chaired a House Member briefing on the attacks, with officials from the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and the National Counterterrorism Center, updating us on the ongoing investigations in New York, New Jersey, and Minnesota. It is important that we stand with those in Chelsea who have been affected by this most recent act of terror and destruction, just as we stand with those in New Jersey and Minnesota, and we thank the local, state, and federal investigators for their tireless work in bringing those responsible to justice.

 Taking a Stand by Walking Out

Last week, during an official meeting of the Republican Select Panel, I led my fellow Democratic Members in a walk-out after the motion to adjourn was voted down along partisan lines. We objected to the Majority bringing a resolution of criminal contempt against Stem Express and its CEO, and we opposed the Chair's attempt to move forward with an investigation designed to drive companies away from fetal tissue research.

You can read my full statement from the Select Panel here.

Calling for Investigation into Trump Foundation Donations to Florida AG

Earlier this month, I joined with my Democratic colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee in writing a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch calling for a Department of Justice investigation into allegations of bribery and other criminal misconduct concerning the Trump Foundation donation to Florida AG Pam Bondi.

Click here to read the full letter to DOJ calling for an investigation into the allegations.

IRS Impeachment Hearing a Distraction

Last week, the House Judiciary Committee used its time to hold impeachment hearings into the IRS, rather than discussing the  more pressing issues facing our country. During questioning, I asked the IRS Commissioner about whether or not someone is permitted to release their taxes while they are under audit, and whether or not it is legal for tax exempt charitable organizations to be used to personally enrich its own members.

Click here to watch my statement from the hearing.

New Planning Process for West Side Bus Terminal

I was thrilled with the announcement last week by the Port Authority of a new expanded planning process for a new West Side bus terminal. The future planning for the project will include significant local stakeholder input in what will now be a comprehensive public engagement and planning process, which will fully examine the range of options for a new bus terminal, and view the project in an appropriate regional context. I thank Port Authority Chairman John Degnan and Vice Chairman Steve Cohen for listening to our concerns and agreeing to engage in this new planning process. Only through a robust and transparent planning process will we be able to build a modern bus terminal that can be the pride of both New York and New Jersey.

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