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House Judiciary Committee Unveils Investigation into Threats Against the Rule of Law

Investigation will extend to allegations of corruption, obstruction, and abuses of power.

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) unveiled an investigation by the House Judiciary Committee into the alleged obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power by President Trump, his associates, and members of his Administration.  As a first step, the Committee has served document requests to 81 agencies, entities, and individuals believed to have information relevant to the investigation. 

 “Over the last several years, President Trump has evaded accountability for his near-daily attacks on our basic legal, ethical, and constitutional rules and norms,” said Chairman Jerrold Nadler.  “Investigating these threats to the rule of law is an obligation of Congress and a core function of the House Judiciary Committee.  We have seen the damage done to our democratic institutions in the two years that the Congress refused to conduct responsible oversight.  Congress must provide a check on abuses of power.  Equally, we must protect and respect the work of Special Counsel Mueller, but we cannot rely on others to do the investigative work for us.  Our work is even more urgent after senior Justice Department officials have suggested that they may conceal the work of the Special Counsel’s investigation from the public.

“We have sent these document requests in order to begin building the public record.  The Special Counsel’s office and the Southern District of New York are aware that we are taking these steps.  We will act quickly to gather this information, assess the evidence, and follow the facts where they lead with full transparency with the American people.  This is a critical time for our nation, and we have a responsibility to investigate these matters and hold hearings for the public to have all the facts.  That is exactly what we intend to do.”

The Committee’s investigation will cover three main areas:

  • Obstruction of Justice, including the possibility of interference by the President and others in a number of criminal investigations and other official proceedings, as well as the alleged cover-up of violations of the law;
  • Public Corruption, including potential violations of the emoluments clauses of the U.S. Constitution, conspiracy to violate federal campaign and financial reporting laws, and other criminal misuses of official positions for personal gain; and
  • Abuses of Power, including attacks on the press, the judiciary, and law enforcement agencies; misuse of the pardon power and other presidential authorities; and attempts to misuse the power of the Office of the Presidency.

A list of individuals served with document requests today can be found here and below, with links to their respective letters:

  1. Alan Garten (letterdocument requests
  2. Alexander Nix (letterdocument requests
  3. Allen Weisselberg (letterdocument requests
  4. American Media Inc (letterdocument requests)
  5. Anatoli Samochornov (letterdocument requests)
  6. Andrew Intrater (letterdocument requests)
  7. Annie Donaldson (letterdocument requests)
  8. Brad Parscale (letterdocument requests)
  9. Brittany Kaiser (letterdocument requests)
  10. Cambridge Analytica (letterdocument requests
  11. Carter Page (letter, document requests)
  12. Christopher Bancroft Burnham (letter, document requests)
  13. Columbus Nova (letterdocument requests)
  14. Concord Management and Consulting (letterdocument requests)
  15. Corey Lewandowski (letterdocument requests)
  16. David Pecker (letterdocument requests)
  17. Department of Justice (letterdocument requests)
  18. Don McGahn (letterdocument requests
  19. Donald J Trump Revocable Trust (letterdocument requests
  20. Donald Trump Jr. (letterdocument requests
  21. Dylan Howard (letterdocument requests)
  22. Eric Trump (letterdocument requests)
  23. Erik Prince (letterdocument requests)
  24. Federal Bureau of Investigation (letter, document requests)
  25. Felix Sater (letterdocument requests)
  26. Flynn Intel Group (letterdocument requests)
  27. Frontier Services Group (letter, document requests)
  28. General Services Administration (letterdocument requests)
  29. George Nader (letterdocument requests)
  30. George Papadopoulos (letterdocument requests)
  31. Hope Hicks (letterdocument requests)
  32. Irakly Kaveladze (letterdocument requests)
  33. J.D. Gordon (letter, document requests)
  34. Jared Kushner (letterdocument requests)
  35. Jason Maloni (letterdocument requests)
  36. Jay Sekulow (letterdocument requests)
  37. Jeff Sessions (letterdocument requests)
  38. Jerome Corsi (letterdocument requests)
  39. John Szobocsan (letterdocument requests)
  40. Julian Assange (letterdocument requests)
  41. Julian David Wheatland (letterdocument requests)
  42. Keith Davidson (letterdocument requests)
  43. KT McFarland (letterdocument requests)
  44. Kushner Companies (letter, document requests)
  45. Mark Corallo (letterdocument requests)
  46. Matt Tait (letterdocument requests)
  47. Matthew Calamari (letterdocument requests)
  48. Michael Caputo (letterdocument requests)
  49. Michael Cohen (letterdocument requests)
  50. Michael Flynn (letterdocument requests)
  51. Michael Flynn Jr (letterdocument requests)
  52. National Rifle Association (letter, document requests)
  53. Paul Erickson (letterdocument requests)
  54. Paul Manafort (letterdocument requests)
  55. Peter Smith (Estate) (letterdocument requests)
  56. Randy Credico (letterdocument requests)
  57. Reince Priebus (letterdocument requests)
  58. Rhona Graff (letterdocument requests)
  59. Rick Gates (letter, document requests)
  60. Rinat Akhmetshin (letterdocument requests)
  61. Rob Goldstone (letterdocument requests)
  62. Roger Stone (letter, document requests)
  63. Ronald Lieberman (letterdocument requests)
  64. Sam Nunberg (letterdocument requests)
  65. SCL Group Limited (letterdocument requests)
  66. Sean Spicer (letterdocument requests)
  67. Sheri Dillon (letterdocument requests)
  68. Stefan Passantino (letterdocument requests)
  69. Steve Bannon (letterdocument requests)
  70. Ted Malloch (letterdocument requests)
  71. The White House (letterdocument requests)
  72. Tom Barrack (letter, document requests)
  73. Tom Bossert (letter, document requests)
  74. Tony Fabrizio (letter, document requests)
  75. Trump Campaign (letterdocument requests)
  76. Trump Foundation (letterdocument requests)
  77. Trump Organization (letterdocument requests)
  78. Trump Transition (letterdocument requests)
  79. Viktor Vekselberg (letterdocument requests)
  80. Wikileaks (letterdocument requests)
  81. 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee (letter, document requests)


For two years, in the absence of responsible oversight by the Republican Majority, House Judiciary Committee Democrats wrote over one hundred letters to the White House, the Administration, and House Republican Leadership documenting the failings of the Trump Administration and demanding accountability. 

The 115th Congress report is available here.



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