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Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, wrote to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) calling on him to open an investigation into X’s potential throttling or blocking of Vice President Harris’ ability to communicate with potential voters on her campaign handle, @KamalaHQ. Given Chairman Jordan's extensive focus on allegations of censorship on social media this Congress, Ranking Member Nadler urged Chairman Jordan to continue fighting against political discrimination on platforms by investigating this matter.

In the letter, Ranking Member Nadler writes, in part:

“As you know, Vice President Harris is now a bona fide candidate for President of the United States in the 2024 elections. Regardless of political ideology, Americans have a protected interest in receiving Vice President Harris’ communications regarding her candidacy. Vice President Harris, in turn, has a right to communicate with the American people as she runs for the highest office in the country. Alarmingly, numerous users on X have reported that when they try to follow @KamalaHQ, they receive a “Limit reached” error message, stating that the user is “unable to follow more people at this time..."

"…It is my sincere hope that you channel the same outrage and pertinacity against platform censorship of the Democratic party as you do when conservative speech is allegedly suppressed. With little time remaining in this Congress, I am hopeful that the Committee may find ways to put partisan politics aside and work on serious issues like this, which impact the ability for voters and candidates to engage in a free and fair exchange of information and viewpoints—critical elements to a functioning democracy.

The full letter can be found here.

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