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Nadler, Goldman Commend Secretary Buttigieg, DOT for Dedication to Advancing Congestion Pricing and Urge Continued Support

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-12) and Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) sent a letter to U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg to commend USDOT on its dedication to advancing congestion pricing in New York City’s Central Business District.

The letter comes after USDOT’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the release of the Final EA and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on May 5, 2023, which determined that congestion pricing “will have no significant impact on the human or natural environment.” It also comes after the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York State Department of Transportation, and New York City Department of Transportation released the Final Environmental Assessment for congestion pricing on May 12, 2023.

The letter reads in part:” Your unwavering support is essential in paving the way for a transformative transportation landscape that reduces congestion and enhances the quality of life for millions of Americans. We cannot allow the interests of a small group of affluent car owners to impede the progress we have made toward a sustainable and equitable transportation future that will ultimately benefit the entire region.

We commend you for your dedication to advancing congestion pricing and sustainable transportation. You have our full support as you continue to champion this critical initiative. We trust in your leadership and firmly believe that, together, we can achieve transportation systems that benefit all, leaving a legacy for generations to come.”

The letter follows the Member's April 21, 2023 letter to Secretary Buttigieg encouraging the USDOT to green-light congestion pricing to meet an early-2024 deadline and a joint op-ed expressing their support for the program in the New York Daily News.

The letter can be found here and below.

The Honorable Pete Buttigieg


U.S. Department of Transportation

1200 New Jersey Ave, SE

Washington, D.C. 20590

Dear Secretary Buttigieg:

As Representatives of New York State’s 10th and 12th Congressional Districts, representing Manhattan and Brooklyn, we write to you today to reaffirm our support of congestion pricing and to encourage you to dismiss the objections raised by opponents who seek to hinder this vital initiative. Our districts, along with all districts encompassing New York City and the entire region, will benefit tremendously from congestion pricing, a sustainable program used to improve mass transit and combat the crippling effects of climate change. We commend your steadfast dedication to enhancing our transportation systems and mitigating the adverse effects of greenhouse gas emissions, and we urge you to maintain your resolute support for congestion pricing.

We are grateful that on May 5, 2023, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the release of the Final EA and draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), which determined that congestion pricing “will have no significant impact on the human or natural environment.” We are also pleased that on May 12, 2023, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York State Department of Transportation, and New York City Department of Transportation released the Final Environmental Assessment for congestion pricing. As the sole representatives of those who live in the Central Business District and bear the brunt of the congestion and environmental impacts, we firmly believe that the program’s environmental assessment of congestion pricing was thorough and comprehensive.

Unfortunately, a recent proposal put forth by legislators from New Jersey, aiming to withhold New York's FHWA funding, has raised serious concerns within our districts and amongst transit and environmental advocates from across the nation. The proposed legislation is not only counterproductive, but it poses a real threat to the considerable progress we have achieved in enhancing access to public transit for millions of riders throughout the entire region. Threatening to withhold federal funding from the state is a dangerous and misguided proposal.

Today, only a mere 1.6% of commuters from New Jersey drive into Manhattan's congestion pricing zone, with the majority of them belonging to more affluent demographics compared to transit commuters. On the other hand, over 77% of commuters from New Jersey rely on public transit, and they stand to gain immensely from the expansion and improvement of services that congestion pricing can provide. By embracing cooperation and innovative solutions, we can develop transportation systems that are advantageous for the entire region and will set a national example.

Your unwavering support is essential in paving the way for a transformative transportation landscape that reduces congestion and enhances the quality of life for millions of Americans. We cannot allow the interests of a small group of affluent car owners to impede the progress we have made toward a sustainable and equitable transportation future that will ultimately benefit the entire region.

We commend you for your dedication to advancing congestion pricing and sustainable transportation. You have our full support as you continue to champion this critical initiative. We trust in your leadership and firmly believe that, together, we can achieve transportation systems that benefit all, leaving a legacy for generations to come.

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