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Ensuring a Pathway to Citizenship for DREAMers & TPS Recipients

Ensuring a Pathway to Citizenship for DREAMers & TPS Recipients

Rep. Nadler joined House Democrats to introduce legislation banning the practice of indefinitely separating migrant families at the border.


Last week, the House Judiciary Committee passed the Dream Act and the Promise Act,which provide a permanent solution to Dreamers, recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and recipients of Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). In my view, the Administration’s decision to dismantle protections for Dreamers, TPS, and DED recipients have thrown families across our country into turmoil, fear, and uncertainty. These individuals are an essential part of our community, and they are critical to building an American future that is strong, united, and economically and socially vibrant.

From its earliest days to the present, I believe the Administration has pushed a cruel, anti-immigrant agenda that has undermined immigrants’ rights, torn families apart, and forced communities to live under a cloud of fear and uncertainty. Passing legislation that provides permanent protection, and a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, TPS and DED recipients, is a top priority for House Democrats, and I am proud to have led our Committee in the historic step of passing this legislation and recommending it to the full House for passage.

Watch Rep. Nadler’s opening statement at the Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the need to protect Dreamers and TPS recipients here.

Fighting Construction of the Williams Pipeline in New York Bay

The catastrophic damage caused by climate change makes it all the more clear that we need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels now. As the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation was evaluating the environmental impacts of the Williams pipeline, a 24-mile pipeline that would transport fracked gas through the Raritan Bay and Lower New York Bay, I led my fellow New York public officials in sending a letter to Governor Cuomo expressing our deep opposition to this effort.If we are going to protect our environment from harmful pollutants and build a green energy economy, New York must stop capitulating to the needs of the oil industry. I was proud to see Governor Cuomo reject the construction of this pipeline, and I remain committed to fulfilling a Green New Deal for all.

To read the letter to Governor Cuomo, please click here.

Reinstating Two-Way Tolling on the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge

Rep. Nadler, along with Reps. Velázquez and Rose, announced their new federal initiative to reinstate two-way tolling on the Verrazzno bridge.


Last month, I joined Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez (D-NY) and Congressman Max Rose (D-NY) to announce a new federal effort to bring two-way tolling back to the Verrazzano-Narrows bridge. Reinstating toll collection in both directions will greatly reduce traffic congestion that has plagued our neighborhoods, leading to safer streets and better air quality for all New Yorkers. The MTA has also committed to using this new funding for much needed investment in mass transit for the residents of South Brooklyn. After working on this issue for more than two decades, I am thrilled to see it finally moving forward, and I am committed making sure our efforts are successful.

Read more about Reps. Nadler, Velázquez, and Rose’s effort to reinstate two-way tolling on the Verrazzano bridgehere.


Protecting Pregnant Workers from Workplace Discrimination

More than 40 years after the passage of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, pregnant workers are still facing workplace discrimination – in all industries, across race and ethnicity, and in every state. Too often, pregnant workers have been placed on unpaid leave or forced out of work entirely. No woman should have to choose between a healthy pregnancy and a paycheck, especially when a simple fix—a bottle of water during a shift, and extra bathroom break, a chair—would allow her to continue to work and support her family.

After the Mother’s Day holiday, I re-introduced the bipartisan Pregnant Workers Fairness Act requiring employers provide reasonable accommodations to pregnant women who want to continue working. As of 2019, 25 states have adopted pregnancy accommodation laws, but current federal laws are leaving too many women behind. The time for true workplace equality and fairness for pregnant women is long overdue.

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