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ICYMI: Nadler Statement in Support of Legislation to Re-Open Critical Government Agencies

Yesterday, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), who represents the West Side of Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, delivered the following statement, as prepared, in support of H.R. 267, the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, to help end the government shutdown: 

"Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

"I rise today in support of this legislation because it is past time to move beyond this political game of chicken and re-open these critical government agencies.

"This bill is not perfect. While it maintains current funding for the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (or HOPWA), it does not include the full $393 million that I led many of my colleagues in requesting last Congress. The House FY19 T-HUD bill reflected that funding level, and I deeply appreciate the hard work of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in achieving that goal.

"But I still support this bill and urge all of my colleagues to vote for it. I support it for one simple reason: we must get these programs funded and operating again.

"People are suffering.

"They are working without pay or furloughed with no idea if they will ever get back to work. They are watching critical services and benefits slowly disappear. And it will only get worse as this absurd and unnecessary shutdown drags on.

"The House will pass this bill today, and I call on my Republican colleagues here and in the Senate to get people back to work, to get our government open again, and to put aside this political game and do our jobs."


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