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Nadler Slams House Republican Leadership for Wasting $1.5 million in Taxpayer Dollars to Defend Discrimination

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, and author of the bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), condemned the House Republican Leadership for wasting $1.5 million defending DOMA in court.  Rep. Nadler was responding to a report by the minority staff of the Committee on House Administration which revealed the costs incurred so far.

“Speaker Boehner has wasted more than a year, and more than $1.5 million taxpayer dollars defending DOMA.  So far, he has lost five cases in a row as every court has ruled that there is no legitimate justification for this law.  Every day, DOMA harms thousands of American couples and their children.  Instead of wasting taxpayer money defending this unjust law in court, Speaker Boehner should join us in our effort to repeal it,” Nadler said.


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