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E-Newsletter: We Must Act Now to Reduce Gun Violence

We Must Act Now to Reduce
Gun Violence 


At a press conference, Rep. Nadler spoke in opposition to legislation expanding the states where individuals can carry concealed weapons.

Over 30,000 Americans lose their lives to gun violence every year. The news of another shooting has now become so routine that we are almost numb to the horror of each terrible event, to the lives lost, and the broken communities left in the aftermath.

Despite this horrendous toll, the House Majority has consistently refused to enact even the smallest safety measures, including enhanced background checks, which a majority of the American public supports. That is why I led my Democratic colleagues on the House Judiciary Committee in calling for an emergency hearing to examine this vitally important issue. Inaction is unacceptable, and moments of silence are completely inadequate. To date, our requests have been met with silence, but the pressure to act cannot be ignored forever.

Passing the Assault Weapons Ban would be an excellent first step, but it must certainly not be our only response. I strongly support closing the "gun show loophole," requiring background checks on all gun purchases, increasing funding for mental health programs, banning high capacity magazines, and repealing the provision that prevents the federal government from conducting research into gun violence. It is time to put an end to this senseless violence – we owe it to the victims, their families, and our country to do better.

Defending 9/11 Heroes and the WTC Health Program

Rep. Nadler speaking in support of the World Trade Center Health Program with Jon Stewart, Reps. Maloney and King, and 9/11 first responders.

The Administration’s FY19 budget proposal, released earlier this year, has called for the separation of the World Trade Center Health (WTCH) Program from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), which I believe will unnecessarily put at risk the health of those who have been made ill from the 9/11 attacks. There are over 83,000 responders and survivors receiving medical monitoring and treatment for injuries and illnesses caused by the toxins at Ground Zero. These heroes deserve the best care, and this plan could jeopardize that.

I joined my fellow New York colleagues in writing a letter to the Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney asking that he not implement what I believe to be an ill thought out proposal. It completely contradicts the legislation Congress passed to renew the WTCH program for 75 years within NIOSH. Though Director Mulvaney did not support reauthorization of the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act when he was in Congress, it is our hope that he is not purposefully trying to sabotage this program. I fought for years to pass the Zadroga Act, and I refuse to go back on my promise to protect the WTCH program.

Click here to read our letter to Director Mulvaney opposing the proposal to separate the World Trade Center Health Program from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health direction. 

Keeping the Internet Open and Free

On December 14, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to end net neutrality protections despite overwhelming public opposition. In response to the FCC vote, I proudly joined my Democratic colleagues in supporting legislation that would stop the rollback of these protections. In my view, restoring these pro-consumer, pro-competition safeguards is the best way to protect and preserve a free and open Internet. 

Maintaining the Independence of the Special Counsel

Over the past several weeks, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has issued numerous indictments against Russian nationals and groups accused of interfering in the 2016 U.S. elections. Given this, I believe the Administration and the House Majority can no longer doubt that the effort to subvert our last election was real, and that the need to protect America's national security and defend our democracy demands immediate action. 

The need to protect Special Counsel Mueller also cannot be overstated. I have cosponsored the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act, which would ensure that any steps to remove a special counsel must first be reviewed by a panel of federal judges. I believe that any steps to interfere with the Special Counsel’s investigation, including removing the Deputy Attorney General or threatening to undermine Special Counsel Mueller, will have to be seen as a direct attempt to aid in the attack on our democracy.We must ensure justice is protected from such threats.

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