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Chairman Nadler Sends Letter to Ranking Member Collins Regarding Impeachment Inquiry

Washington, D.C. –Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) sent a letter to Ranking Member Doug Collins (D-GA) regarding the Judiciary Minority’s request for witness testimony.

Below are excerpts from the letter to Ranking Member Collins:

“With respect to your requests that the Committee obtain testimony from Chairman Schiff as well as '[t]he anonymous whistleblower whose complaint initiated this ‘impeachment inquiry,’' the Committee has previously tabled motions with regard to these matters at its December 4, 2019 hearing, and I see no reason to reconsider those requests. Moreover, the Intelligence Committee report has adduced independent evidence for its conclusions that do not rely upon the whistleblower in any way and Intelligence committee counsel will be testifying as provided for by H. Res. 660, and thus there is no need for Chairman Schiff.”

“Five of your remaining requests were previously made by Ranking Member Nunes during the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence impeachment proceedings, and were rejected by that Committee…I concur in Chairman Schiff’s assessment and also find that these requests outside of the parameters of the impeachment inquiry…The same is true of your remaining request concerning '[t]he Intelligence Community employee who spoke with Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman about President Trump’s July 25 phone call.'

“I remain prepared to schedule a meeting of the Committee on December 9, 2019 should you choose to refer to the Committee for decision the question of whether to subpoena any or all of these witnesses…”

The text of the letter to Ranking Member Collins is available here.


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