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Chairman Nadler Floor Statement in Support of H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act

Washington, D.C. –Today, House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) delivered the following floor statement in support of H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act, critical legislation that provides protections for DREAMers and TPS and DED recipients:

"Madam Speaker, H.R. 6, the "American Dream and Promise Act of 2019," is vital legislation that provides a path to lawful permanent resident (LPR) status for two groups of people who enrich our nation and who are in dire need of protection—Dreamers and long-term recipients of humanitarian relief known as Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).

"Dreamers are undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children and have embraced this country as their own. They are our neighbors and co-workers, they are the classmates of our children, and they serve in our military with distinction. Many did not even know they were not born here and were not American citizens, until they found they could not get a drivers license or in-state tuition rates for college. That is why it was so devastating when the Trump Administration announced that it was ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative, which enabled approximately 800,000 Dreamers to work lawfully, attend school, and plan their lives without the constant threat of deportation.

"Although less is known or understood about long-time TPS and DED recipients, there is no doubt that they are equally deserving of our protection and support. Broadly speaking, TPS and DED provide humanitarian relief to individuals from countries facing dangerous conditions or experiencing upheaval, such as ongoing armed conflict, natural disaster, or other extraordinary conditions.

"TPS and DED recipients have lived in the United States, on average, for decades, laying down deep roots in their communities. They also contribute to the U.S. economy, by making up a significant portion of the workforce in key industries, including construction and food service, as well as through consumer spending and tax revenue.

"Unfortunately, like Dreamers, their futures now hang in the balance as a result of the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant enforcement-only approach to immigration policy. Since September 2017, the Administration has announced the termination of TPS and DED for seven affected countries.

"Fortunately, the courts have issued multiple injunctions preventing efforts to terminate DACA and TPS from moving forward.But even if the courts ultimately rule against the Administration, only a fraction of Dreamers and TPS recipients will benefit from a reprieve that is itself only temporary. That is why we must pass H.R. 6 today—to provide Dreamers and TPS recipients the permanent protections they need and deserve.

"The Dream and Promise Act is carefully crafted legislation that delivers needed protections while creating rigorous eligibility standards, including specifically restricting eligibility to those individuals who pose no public safety or national security concerns.

"I want to congratulate my colleagues, Representatives Lucille Roybal-Allard, Nydia Velazquez, and Yvette Clarke, for introducing this important legislation. I would also like to thank the distinguished Chair and Vice Chair of the Immigration Subcommittee, Zoe Lofgren and Pramila Jayapal. Their steadfast support for the Dreamer and TPS/DED populations, and their tireless efforts, have been essential in bringing this bill to the floor today.

"Dreamers and TPS and DED recipients contribute to our thriving economy, and they make America a stronger, more united, and more diverse nation. Failing to provide permanent protections for them at this critical juncture would be a travesty, not only for these individuals, but also for us as a country.I hope that all of my colleagues will stand up for these vital members of our society when it truly counts, by supporting H.R. 6 today.

"I reserve the balance of my time."


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