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Nadler Applauds Restoration of Marriage Equality in California following Supreme Court’s Ruling in Hollingsworth v. Perry

Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice, and author of the Respect for Marriage Act, the bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), cheered today’s decision by the United States Supreme Court in Hollingsworth v. Perry, which clears the path to restoration of marriage equality in California.

“This is a great day for California and for loving gay and lesbian couples and their families,” said Rep. Nadler.  “Today’s decision –finding that proponents of the anti-marriage Proposition 8 lack standing to appeal a lower court ruling that the initiative is unconstitutional – clears the way for marriage equality to resume in California.  The State will now rejoin 12 others and the District of Columbia in ensuring that gay men and lesbians share equally and fully in the right to marry the person they love.”

“We should celebrate today, but our work is not yet done,” continued Rep. Nadler.  “Thirty-seven states still prevent gay and lesbian couples from marrying, denying these families the security and protection that marriage brings.  At the time that most of these bans were enacted, gay and lesbian couples could not yet marry anywhere in the world and fear, distrust, and negative stereotypes unfortunately ruled the day.  There are now tens of thousands gay and lesbian couples married and living in communities across this country.  These couples pay taxes, serve their communities, struggle to balance work and family, raise children, and care for aging parents.  Their contributions and needs are no different than anyone else’s, and far from harming the institution of marriage, they have embraced it.  In return, America has started to embrace them, proving once again that what unites us is greater than what divides us.  A majority of Americans now favor marriage equality, and their elected representatives should do the same.  We must work together to repeal laws that prevent marriage equality and ensure that all married couples have equal respect from the government.”        


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