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Rep. Nadler Statement on Vote Against Senate Budget Deal

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement after voting against the latest budget deal:

"Early this morning, I voted no on the short term spending bill and the budget deal because Speaker Ryan failed to make a sufficient commitment to bring up a bipartisan bill to protect Dreamers from deportation. The bill Congress passed a few hours ago included several Democratic priorities about which I care deeply, including parity in lifting the budget caps and an extension of the debt limit, funding for Community Health Centers and CHIP, and long overdue disaster aid for Puerto Rico and others.
"However, I could not support the bill because Speaker Ryan and the Republicans refuse to stop pandering to the hateful rhetoric of the  President and won’t work with Democrats to find a solution for all those living every day in fear of deportation from the only country they have ever known. As the Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, I stand ready to work with my Republican colleagues on a bipartisan bill to protect Dreamers. I hope they will choose to pass legislation that will bring us together, not divide us."


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