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Providing Unemployment Assistance To Those Impacted By The COVID-19 Crisis

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Dear friends, The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has decimated our nation's economy and led to a historic surge in unemployment claims. Independent contractors, gig workers, and self-employed individuals have been hit particularly hard because their income is generally not eligible for unemployment benefits. Understanding the economic reality of the crisis, and hearing from so many of…

The Heroes Act: Charting a Path Towards Recovery

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Dear friends, The COVID-19 crisis is unlike any that we've ever faced as a nation before. It has roiled our economy, killed tens of thousands, and changed the daily lives of every American. If we hope to adequately respond to a crisis as vast and sweeping as this, we must put forth proposals that are as comprehensive as the pandemic they seek to counter. The Heroes Act, which I proudly…

Passing Legislation to Help America Recover

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Dear Friends, As you know, this week, Congress passed H.R. 266, the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, a bill to provide additional funding for small business programs created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, increase funding for hospitals treating COVID-19 patients, and dramatically increase funding for testing. In the last…

Supporting Small Businesses Through COVID-19

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Dear Friends, On Friday, March 27th, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act–Congress' third stimulus package–was signed into law. The $2 trillion CARES Act is the largest aid package in American history, and it provides substantial relief for small businesses that have been impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Democrats were able to make significant…

Ensuring the CARES Act Helps New Yorkers

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Dear Friends, Many of you have already seen my statement on the CARES Act, which the House passed last week to provide a third round of economic stimulus and emergency response to the coronavirus, but I wanted to provide you with a version that includes helpful links to information and resources concerning federal aid that you may be eligible for through this important legislation. As…

Continuing to Work for New Yorkers During the COVID-19 Crisis

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Dear Friends, Fighting for the Port Authority Without the Port Authority, New York and New Jersey would struggle to function. More than operating the world’s most active bus terminal, the Port Authority also manages the nation’s busiest airport system, our region’s vital commuter rail system, the East Coast’s biggest seaport, and every vehicle that crosses between New York and New…

Responding to the Impact of COVID-19 on New York City

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Dear Friends, I know many of you are anxious and concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to take a moment to respond to many of the concerns I have heard from constituents who have reached out to my office and to share some additional guidance. I shared each of these concerns with Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader McConnell in a letter on March 18, which you can…

Fighting the Spread of COVID-19 as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee

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Dear friends, While much of my efforts over the past month have been focused on keeping New Yorkers healthy and safe from the rapid spread of COVID-19 (you can read more about those efforts to protect New Yorkers here), as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee I have a duty to ensure a proper response to the…

Keeping New Yorkers Safe from COVID-19

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Dear friends, The rapidly spreading coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced all of us to make significant changes to our lives as we adjust to social distancing and other preventative measures designed to inhibit the spread of the virus. I have been working hard—both in Washington and at home in New York—to protect Americans’ health and economic wellbeing. Please know that my office is…

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