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Nadler Votes Against Another Cynical, Partisan Attempt to Politicize U.S.-Israel Relationship

Today, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), the most senior Jewish Member of the House of Representatives, issued the following statement after voting against H.R. 8369, the Israel Security Assistance Support Act:

"Today I voted against H.R. 8369, Israel Security Assistance Support Act, yet another cynical partisan attempt to politicize the U.S.-Israel relationship.

"As a lifelong Zionist and deeply committed Jew, I take Israel's safety and security incredibly seriously. I was proud to vote last month for H.R. 8034, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024, which provided Israel with $26.38 billion to support Israel's necessary military needs as it faces continued threats from terrorist proxies and hostile neighbors.

"Unfortunately, the unhelpful measure put on the floor by Republicans today was not a genuine attempt to protect Israel's security, nor to successfully direct offensive weapons to Israel. Rather, it contained several poison pill provisions aimed at causing division within the Democratic Caucus and among supporters of Israel. For example, the bill explicitly condemns the Biden Administration's actions and policy regarding Israel. Such a condemnation is unwarranted and insulting after President Biden and the Administration have been historically supportive of Israel. President Biden visited Israel immediately after the horrific October 7th terrorist attacks, sent military assistance to aid Israel in defending itself after the attacks, and was the first President in American history to order U.S. troops to directly fight to protect Israel when Iran attacked on April 13th.

"The bill also contains an inflammatory invocation of the Ministry of Public Security, which is led by Itamar Ben Gvir– an extremist whom the Israeli court system has previously convicted of racist incitement against Arabs and of backing a Jewish terrorist group. The United States has repeatedly condemned Minister Ben Gvir, including for handing out rifles at a political event in the settlements of Bnei Brak and Elad amidst a troubling rise in settler violence. Nevertheless, the bill specifically calls for the United States to promptly deliver aid directly to Ben Gvir's ministry.

"I will continue to strongly support Israel in its fight to ensure its long-term security, and in its pursuit of peace. In the short term, I will continue to demand the return of the hostages, and humanitarian protection for all innocent civilians in the region. In the long term, I remain committed to the pursuit of a two-state solution, and the steps that must be taken in order to achieve that goal."

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