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Rep. Nadler Secures Key Wins for New York City in the 2022 Water Resources Development Act

Washington, D.C. - Representative Jerrold Nadler (NY-10) applauds Wednesday’s House passage of the bipartisan Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2022.

The largest and most progressive WRDA to date, the legislation will enhance the health and vibrancy of water infrastructure and water resources development projects throughout the United States.

“The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 contains critical funding and infrastructure authorizations that will help protect New Yorkers from flooding events, restore our environment and ecosystems, and keep our nation’s competitiveness by supporting our ports and harbors,’ said Representative Nadler. “I want to thank Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Peter DeFazio and Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee Chair Grace Napolitano for their important work on this legislation.”

WRDA 2022 authorizes the construction of 16 new projects approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers since WRDA 2020. It also authorizes 72 new Corps feasibility studies and expedites the completion of 15 ongoing studies.   

Among these provisions and projects, Rep. Nadler worked to secure the following for the New York City Metropolitan Area:  

  • The expedited completion of the New Jersey Harbor Channel Deepening Improvements Project to provide superior ocean access to accommodate the demand for international cargo through our region.

  • A feasibility study to improve flood mitigation and storm resiliency at the Brooklyn Navy Yard

  • A feasibility study to improve the Hudson Raritan Estuary’s ecosystem

  • Reauthorization of the New York Harbor Drift Removal Project that provides for removing abandoned piers, wharves, derelict vessels, debris, and for repairing in-use deteriorated shore structures throughout the Port of New York.

  • $56 million for water and wastewater infrastructure, which will improve the New York City Watershed
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