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Nadler: Trump Attorney’s Latest Statement is “Nixonian”

Today, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) released the following statement on President Trump’s lawyer excusing the President’s possible obstruction of justice comments:

“Earlier today, President Trump’s private lawyer argued that the ‘President cannot obstruct justice because he is the chief law enforcement officer under [the Constitution] and has every right to express his view of any case.’  Such a ‘Nixonian’ outlook on our rule of law is beyond dangerous, and demonstrates yet again this Administration’s contempt for our democracy. 

President Trump probably knew that Michael Flynn had lied to the FBI when he asked the FBI Director to ‘let Flynn go.’  As I said following the news of Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea on Friday, '[t]his development adds further weight to our suspicion of President Trump’s corrupt motives… There is now more than enough evidence to form the basis of a congressional investigation into the President’s obstruction of justice – and it is long past time that the House Committee on the Judiciary engage on this matter.'

“House Judiciary Democrats have sent more than 20 letters to the Committee and GOP Leadership, and more than 40 letters to the White House and Department of Justice seeking oversight of Trump Administration misconduct, without any meaningful response. It is high time the House Judiciary Republicans join us in investigating obstruction of justice and related charges. If the Majority wishes to use the excuse of the ongoing investigation of Special Counsel Mueller to avoid engaging in oversight, then I hope Chairman Goodlatte will join the bipartisan legislation to protect Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation against a political firing by President Trump or defunding by the GOP.”


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