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Ranking Member Nadler Statement on DOJ Inspector General Report on Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

Today, Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) of the House Judiciary Committee released the following statement after Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz from the Justice Department (DOJ) released his report on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe:

“The Republicans have been transparent in their work to discredit and distract from the work of the Russia investigation, so let me be clear:  the report issued by the Inspector General today has absolutely nothing to do with Special Counsel Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, the conduct of federal investigators so far, or the multiple indictments they have secured against Russian nationals and Trump campaign officials.

“And yet, we have seen enough of our Majority’s obstruction this year to know what is coming next.  President Trump will no doubt gloat about these findings and misuse them in his ongoing disinformation campaign.  House Republicans will almost certainly try to use this report to fuel their efforts to distract from the abuses of power by this Administration and to undermine the Department of Justice.  Together, they will do everything in their power to lay the groundwork for attacking our judicial system and to prevent the Special Counsel from completing his investigation.”


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