Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the Moses and Aaron Foundation Special Fund for Children, a truly distinguished organization that assists children with disabilities and their families.
Created in the memory of Rabbi Dr. Maurice I. Hecht and Aaron Kaploun, the foundation has kept alive Dr. Hecht and Mr. Kaploun's commitment to community service through counseling, guidance, wheelchair assistance, and financial assistance to those families with special children.
I believe that the foundation's work is a shinning beacon of light for children in need. Examples of such work include providing educational scholarships, clothing and presents.
In addition, the Moses and Aaron Foundation under the direction of its President Rabbi Yaacov Kaploun, and Executive Vice President Yehuda Kaploun, in cooperation with Bally Fitness Centers, has established 27 therapy and physical fitness centers and has arranged for sound and musical equipment in other institutions.
As the foundation hosts its 9th annual Chazak Summer Concert for Special Children on August 20, 2005, we are again reminded of all that the Moses and Aaron Foundation has contributed to the greater American community. For the past 8 years, the Motzei Shabbat Nachamu Concert, at Sullivan Community College Field House in Loch Sheldrake, New York, has benefited special children and their families by offering them an enjoyable night of music, dancing and plain good fun.
The concert will honor and pay tribute to the special and outstanding children who will be the guests of honor and will perform with the entertainers on stage. More than 40organizations and schools serving the physically and mentally disabled children will be represented.
The Chazak Concert in connection with the many other programs operated by the Moses and Aaron Foundation, demonstrate a caring and compassionate concern for the quality and dignity of life of those in need, and therefore merits appreciation.
I would also like to applaud the Honorary Chairman and Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, President Rabbi Yaacov Kaploun and Executive Vice President Yehuda Kaploun for their hard work and commitment to children of special needs and their families.
I pause to commemorate the recent passing of Mrs. Tzippora Kaploun of Jerusalem, Israel, wife of the late Aaron Kaploun. She instilled in her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren the importance of community service and a compassion for those individuals who require the assistance and support of those who are blessed with ability to provide and assist. She exemplified the principles upon which the Foundation is based.
I recognize Mr. Jerry Rothman, recipient of the Dr. Steven Stowe Acts of Kindness Award and remember fondly his late wife Anita Rothman, whose acts of charity impacted the lives of many in the course of their 65 years of marriage. We remember the social service and kindness of the late Issac Weinberger who recently passed, and his wife Anne Weinberger.
As the Moses and Aaron Foundation Special Fund for Children commemorates this special event, I urge my colleagues to join me in paying tribute to an organization that provides such an essential service to the community and truly exemplifies the generosity of Americans.