Floor Statements
Floor Debate on Request for Modification to Amendment No. 4 to H.R. 418, the Real ID Act of 2005
Washington, DC,
February 9, 2005
Mr. NADLER. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that during further consideration of H.R. 418 pursuant to House Resolution 75, it may be in order to consider amendment No. 4 in House Report 109-4 in the modified form I have placed at the desk.
Strike section 101 of the bill (and redesignate the succeeding sections of title I accordingly). Insert, Section 101: (a) REMOVAL OF CAPS.--Section 209 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1159) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(1)-- (A) by striking ``Service'' and inserting ``Department of Homeland Security''; and (B) by striking ``Attorney General'' each place such term appears and inserting ``Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General''; (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) by striking ``Not more'' and all that follows through ``asylum who--'' inserting ``The Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney general, in the Secretary's or the Attorney General, in the Secretary's or the Attorney General's discretion and under such regulations as the Secretary or the Attorney General may prescribe, may adjust to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence the status of any alien granted asylum who--''; and (B) in the matter following paragraph (5), by striking ``Attorney General'' and inserting ``Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General''; and (3) in subsection (c), by striking ``Attorney General'' and inserting ``Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General.''