Floor Statements
Floor Statement on H.R. 6003, the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008
Washington, DC,
June 10, 2008
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I rise in support of this bill to reauthorize Amtrak, create a State grant program for intercity passenger rail, and invest in high-speed rail corridors. I want to thank the chairman, Jim Oberstar, and Corrine Brown and Ranking Members Mica and Shuster for moving this bill, which is long overdue. For years, Amtrak has been underfunded and threatened with bankruptcy. For the last several years, Amtrak has received just enough money to maintain its system while many critical capital improvements have had to be postponed. As of 2005, Amtrak had a backlog of $4.2 billion in capital investments, which rises to $6 billion if you include the necessary bridge and tunnel improvements. Even with adequate funding, it will probably take 10 years to complete the work to bring the system into a state of good repair. We cannot afford to play catchup with our rail transportation system, certainly not as gas prices continue to skyrocket. We have to look for ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming. We should be shifting people from cars and airplanes onto rail. This bill is also of particular benefit to the Northeast and to Investing in high-speed rail is an urgent issue. We must accelerate investment in our rail infrastructure. This bill finally starts to authorize rail investments at an adequate level. It makes eminent sense as part of a rational energy and transportation policy. I urge all of my colleagues to support it. I thank again the chairman and the ranking member. |