Madam Speaker, it is a disgrace, a blot on our Nation that the citizens of our Capital do not have a voice in Congress.
Whatever technical issues there may be with respect to rectifying this problem, we must never lose sight of the fact that our democracy is permanently stained by the disenfranchisement of a large group of our citizens who pay taxes, serve in our wars, work in our… Read more »
Madam Speaker, I, along with Mr. Rangel and Mrs. Maloney rise today to congratulate Ms. Vinnie Malloy on the occasion of her retirement from the United States Postal Service.
Ms. Malloy has broken many barriers throughout her career, which has been marked by excellence. From December 1998 until her retirement on February 2, 2007, Ms. Malloy served as the 37th District… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise to support this resolution and to call upon my colleagues to make a commitment to protect our troops and to bring them home as quickly and safely as possible.
Mr. Speaker, the American people and Members of Congress were deceived. Every reason we were given for invading Iraq was false. Weapons of mass destruction, not there. Saddam Hussein working hand in glove… Read more »
Mr. NADLER. Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Mrs. Phyllis Miller upon receiving the Zella Butler Bronfman Award, presented by the UJA-Federation's Task Force on People With Disabilities and the J.E. and Z.B. Butler Foundation.
Throughout her 25-year career, Phyllis Miller has worked tirelessly on behalf of people with developmental disabilities. She taught… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, what a deaf President we have. The American people told him loud and clear on November 7 that we want to change course in Iraq. He doesn't hear them.
The Iraq Study Group told him loud and clear we must change course in Iraq and certainly not escalate; he doesn't hear them.
His generals tell him that more troops won't do any good, will simply increase… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, for the last 4 years I have worked to ensure that no shipping container should be put on a ship bound for the United States until it is scanned for radiation and density, and sealed with a tamper-proof seal. The 9/11 Commission insisted on better port security measures.
Last year, along with Mr. Oberstar, I introduced the Sail Only if Scanned Act. We tried to insert into… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, a few moments ago, the former chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, Mr. Young of Alaska, was excoriating this side of the aisle and saying that our provisions in this bill for 100 percent scanning of containers were impractical and couldn't be done. I would simply point out that the provision in this bill is word for word the same as the provision… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I am not going to get into any of the torture aspects of this bill, but I do want to address the due process aspects of this bill.
The distinguished chairman says we have created a system of justice with plenty of rights. Well, we have created two systems of justice. First of all, it doesn't have so many rights. You can appeal from the military tribunal, but the… Read more »
Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman for yielding.
I want to, first, thank the gentleman from Wisconsin for his leadership and his cosponsorship of this bill, also the 35 other cosponsors and the 234 Members of this body that voted for it. It passed just the other day by a margin of 60 votes. Now, it needed two-thirds, so that is the reason for our being here today. But… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.
Mr. Speaker, it is important to get this debate back on track as to what we are talking about, not what we are not talking about, because the gentleman on the other side keeps bringing up matters that were not debated, that is not before us in this bill.
This bill has nothing to do with Kelo. It has nothing to do with whether there… Read more »