Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this time to explain a unanimous consent request I am about to make.
Mr. Speaker, I regret I must request unanimous consent to amend my amendment, which I am going to offer later, but the process the majority has chosen to use is, to say the least, unfair. The rule makes in order virtually a new bill, which we did not get to see until after the… Read more »
Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment.
The Acting CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will designate the amendment.
The text of the amendment is as follows:
Part B Amendment No. 4 offered by Mr. Nadler:
Strike section 101 of the bill (and redesignate the… Read more »
Mr. Chairman, the supporters of this legislation are completely correct that obviously real terrorist threats exist and we must act forcefully to safeguard our national security. But this bill is really three or four or five separate bills entirely, some of them unexceptional, some of them very questionable.
Under the excuse of national security, for example, the asylum provisions in… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, this resolution would have us believe that a grave threat is presented to the security of this Nation by the policy of some institutions of higher learning to bar military recruiters from their campus because of the discrimination against gay and lesbian people by the military. But that, Mr. Speaker, is not the threat to our national security.
The threat to our national… Read more »
Madam Speaker, I solemnly rise today to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, the first and largest Nazi concentration camp stumbled across by Allied troops as they fought back Nazi Germany.
Today, the twin camps of Auschwitz-Birkenau are silent, yet full of the ghosts of horrors of boundless slaughter, torture and sadistic human experimentation. We lost over… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, the right to vote has been stolen from qualified voters. Stolen through corruption, through political cynicism, through incompetence, through technical malfunction.
Despite the fact that the widespread and documented irregularities in the Ohio election have not been proved to change the outcome of the presidential election, the loss of the right to vote by so many is… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of the point of order. The Constitution defines a quorum to conduct business as the majority of each House.
The question of course before us in this debate is, a majority of what? What is the denominator in that equation?
The precedent holds that the total number of the membership of the House is those Members who are chosen, sworn and living and… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the Martin Luther King High School Soccer Team, which has achieved a New York City Public School Athletic League record 5th consecutive title this year. Part of the oldest High School sports league in the nation, the MLK soccer team has battled many of the top teams in the City and has continually prevailed.
Having been nationally ranked the last 6… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, let me begin by thanking the gentleman for yielding me this time and for his great service to this body, to the people of the United States. And let me express my regret that he will not be yielding time in the future.
Mr. Speaker, this bill comes before us is an omnibus bill because we did not take all the bills, vote on them on the floor, and the Senate did not do it… Read more »