Mr. Speaker, this rule does not make in order an amendment that was defeated 18-16 on a practically party-line vote and is the key difference, and it is why this rule ought to be defeated.
The gentleman from New York says a risk-based strategy. Why should we risk the lives of millions of people by assuming that we know which container will contain the atomic bomb or the radiological… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, today President Bush is expected to announce his appointment of Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff to lead the administration's efforts to combat a potential avian flu epidemic.
Didn't the President learn anything from Hurricane Katrina? Michael Chertoff is the same man responsible for the incompetent, inept and tragically unacceptable response to Hurricane… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the 75th anniversary of the opening of the Empire State Building, one of New York City's most recognizable landmarks and an iconic fixture of the City's skyline. This landmark building, located in my district, stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of New York and the capacity of mankind to achieve the extraordinary.
The Empire State… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of this important legislation, H.R. 3127, strengthening sanctions on individuals and governments seen as responsible for the atrocities in the Darfur region of Sudan, and authorizing additional funds for peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts in the region.
After more than 3 years of conflict, between 300,000 and 400,000 innocent and impoverished… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Linda Rosenthal on the occasion of her election to the New York State Assembly. After a lifetime on the Upper West Side, more than 2 decades of community activism, and 13 years as my Manhattan District Director and Director of Special Projects, on February 28th, 2006, Linda was elected to represent the 67th Assembly District. Assemblywoman… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor one of the most respected private institutions of higher learning in my district, Pace University, as it celebrates a major milestone, the 100th anniversary of its founding in 1906. This great school has grown from humble beginnings as a School of Accountancy to become a vibrant and dynamic Liberal Arts University offering more than 100 majors.
Over… Read more »
Mr. Speaker, yesterday the Democrats in the House, the Senate and our Governors unveiled the Democratic plan for real security. This plan reveals the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans and the Bush administration in protecting our country.
Among the differences, the greatest danger we face is that al Qaeda gets nuclear weapons. The problem with getting nuclear weapons… Read more »
Mr. NADLER. Mr. Chairman, I offer an amendment.
The Acting CHAIRMAN. The Clerk will designate the amendment.
The text of the amendment is as follows:
Amendment No. 10 offered by Mr. Nadler:
At the end of the bill (before the short title), insert the following:
Mr. Speaker, this bill manipulates the legislative process by repackaging legislation that for the most part has already passed the House, and by taking out of that legislation two amendments that were passed on the floor of the House and giving us no opportunity, giving the House majority no opportunity to correct this.
The bill includes three previous bills. On one of them I… Read more »
Madam Speaker, we are engaged in a serious war with terrorism. But we are going after the wrong targets. We are not protecting ourselves, but we are attacking our liberties. We are not doing anything adequate to secure the loose nuclear materials all over the former Soviet Union before they are smuggled to al Qaeda to make atomic bombs.
We search only 5 percent of the 9 million… Read more »