U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler | In The News
April 5, 2010
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U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler
Dear Friends,

The Census Bureau has begun its once-in-a-decade effort to count all of the residents in the United States.  It is important that the count is fair and accurate as the results will impact New York’s representation in the House of Representatives and the funding it receives for vital federal programs.
Filling out the 2010 Census form
Based on information gathered from the Census, the federal government distributes more than $400 billion each year to fund everything from housing assistance, hospitals, child-care and senior citizen centers, to schools and afterschool programs, to roads and mass transit.

That’s why it is extremely important that you and your family fill out
your census form and mail it back as soon as possible    

As of March 17th, you should already have received your official Census forms in the mail.  Please make sure to complete the form and mail it
back as soon as possible.  The form asks 10 basic questions that should only take 10 minutes to answer.  If you need help filling out the Census, multilingual Telephone Questionnaire Assistance is available by clicking here. If you are not able to return your form, a census worker will visit you in person to gather the information. 

Please know that the information you provide is completely confidential.
The Census Bureau is prohibited by law from disclosing your answers to anyone, including housing authorities, federal agencies, or law

For a list of answers to frequently asked questions about the Census,
please click here.

To find out more about the Census you may visit the official Census
website here.

The Census is still hiring!  For information about applying for Census jobs, please click here.

To find out more about Census actiivities in your community, contact the Complete Count Committee in your Borough President's office.
  • Manhattan: 212.669.8300
  • Brooklyn: 718.802.3700
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