Dear Friend,
I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the work that I’ve been doing recently in the U.S. Congress.
In this update:
- Fighting for a Strong Public Option
- The Cross Harbor Freight Project
- Significant Progress on 9/11 Health
Leading the Fight for a Strong Public Health Option
Congressman Nadler appearing on MSNBC's "The Ed Show" to defend the public option. Click the image to view on YouTube. |
The task of reforming our health insurance system is far too important to be undermined by half-measures or whittled away by politically expedient compromises. That is why I have taken a firm stand in support of a strong public option. Such an option would keep insurance companies honest while providing Americans a true choice when it comes to their health plan. To ensure that we provide such a choice, I recently signed a letter [view] along with other members of the Progressive Caucus that re-affirmed our commitment to voting against any health reform bill that does not include a strong public option.
Then, after reports circulated that a deal had been made to severely weaken the public option in the latest version of the health reform bill, I met with Speaker Pelosi to personally tell her that I would not vote for a bill that did not include a strong public option. Afterward I went on The Ed Show to explain my reasons for opposing such compromises to this essential legislation. Be assured that I will continue to use every weapon in my political arsenal to ensure that a strong public option is included in the final health care reform bill.
Moving Forward with the Cross Harbor Freight Project

Rep. Nadler and Mayor Bloomberg discuss the Cross Harbor Freight Project at Sunset Park. |
Mayor Bloomberg recently pledged his support for the Cross Harbor Freight Movement Project – a significant step toward solving our region’s formidable freight movement issues. The project, which I have ardently supported for nearly 30 years, will finally connect Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island, Westchester, and southern Connecticut to the national rail grid, profoundly improving the movement of freight throughout our region. Receiving the Mayor’s support represents important progress on a project that will remove thousands of trucks from our clogged roadways, reduce pollution, create jobs, and spur economic development.
Significant Progress on the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act
Recently, there have been positive developments in our long fight to provide health care and compensation for the living victims of 9/11. On July 29th, the House Judiciary Committee successfully reported out the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, bringing this critical bill one step closer to reality. The bill would create a permanent World Trade Center Health Program to provide medical monitoring and treatment for 9/11-related health conditions to those first responders and community members who are still seriously afflicted. The bill would also create a path to copmensation for victims that suffered economic losses due to the attacks. After fighting for almost 8 years to provide the living heroes and victims of 9/11 with the care that their sacrifices deserve, this action by the Judiciary Committee represents historic progress in our efforts to address an historic injustice.
Until this bill becomes law, we continue to secure annual funding for World Trade Center Health Programs. In July the House voted to approve $70 million in funding for the World Trade Center Health Programs for fiscal year 2010. These funds will directly assist the thousands of first responders and community members who are suffering from 9/11-related illnesses and will keep the hospital doors open while Congress considers a permanent solution. While this funding for FY 2010 will provide urgently needed care for thousands, we must keep pushing to enact legislation that will provide long-term, comprehensive health care and compensation for all of those sickened or injured by the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Jerrold Nadler
Member of Congress