Dear Friend,
I want to take this opportunity to share with you some of the work that I've been doing recently in the U.S. Congress.
Fighting for LGBT Equality

Congressman Nadler speaks at a press conference with Members of Congress and others demanding equality in immigration law
To work towards true equality for same-sex couples, I have re-introduced the Uniting American Families Act. The bill would change immigration law to allow lesbian and gay Americans to sponsor their permanent partners for legal residency in the United States, a right currently enjoyed only by married heterosexuals. As I explained to Lou Dobbs recently on CNN, gay and lesbian Americans in loving, committed relationships deserve the same rights as everyone else.
I am also pleased that we were recently able to secure House passage of landmark hate crimes legislation. The Matthew Shephard Act will give the U.S. Department of Justice jurisdiction to assist states and localities in the prosecution of crimes of violence committed against individuals on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. I have been an original cosponsor of the bill since its inception, and I spoke out in favor of this legislation on the House floor. [You can read my statement here]
Remembering Stonewall
As we observe Pride Month this June, we will also mark the 40th anniversary of Stonewall. The events of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village had a profound effect on how LGBT Americans have come to see their struggle for equality. To commemorate this anniversary, I have introduced a resolution to honor those that participated during and since Stonewall in that historic struggle. The resolution, H. Res. 433, recognizes Stonewall as the symbolic genesis of the gay rights movement in the U.S. and recommits the Congress to protecting and providing for the equal rights of all Americans. You can read the text of the bill here.
Modernizing Transit

Rep. Nadler meets with Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood to discuss their transportation priorities. |
Last month I was able to announce $274.3 million in federal funding for major transportation projects in New York City. This included $195 million for the Long Island Railroad East Side Access project and $78.9 million for the construction of the Second Avenue subway. Secured through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, these funds will immediately be put to use to increase transportation efficiency, access, and ridership in the region.
While these funds will provide the transportation industry and local economies with an immediate stimulus, I have also introduced two bills to provide for our long-term transportation needs. The Freight Rail Economic Development Act would provide grants for rail construction and rehabilitation in those parts of the country with insufficient or underutilized freight rail infrastructure. This would spur economic development for those places hit hardest by the current recession while providing communities with long-term freight transportation solutions.
I am also proud to have authored the Transportation Job Corps Act, which would provide job opportunities for the nation’s disconnected youth in the transit industry as well as help existing workers advance their careers. By encouraging job growth in the transit industry, we can protect local jobs while also providing for the increased demands on our transportation infrastructure.
Jerrold Nadler
Member of Congress